AI in the News - #13

February 15, 2016 | Earl Wajenberg

Edifying stories for robots  (Science Daily)

How to teach ethics to robots?  One way we teach kids is with stories that show how Good Guys behave.  The Scheherazade/Quixote project uses crowdsourcing to gather stories, encode them into machine-readable format, and teach the system to act like a protagonist—a hero.

Robot-run hospital  (

A varied discussion, including responsibility issues

Robo-roach  (Discover)

Roboticists have developed a robot that mimics the abilities of roaches to get in just about everywhere.

"Rise of the Robots" on Nova, Feb 24  (Science News)

The centerpiece of this Nova installment is DARPA's contest for developing a robot nimble enough to be of use in search-and-rescue operations.